It is a big
day for Nisha Agarwal tomorrow who is making her debut with ‘Emaindi ee Vela’. When asked
whether she is
feeling nervous, she said that she got used to all this and now she is more controlled than before.
What does she have to say about reports that her
sister used to interfere during the making of
the film? “Well, as a sister she used to come and say hi to me sometimes. And nothing more than that. She never interfered with director Sampat Nandi’s work” she claimed. She also claimed that many producers have approached her for more films, but she would accept them only after this movie releases tomorrow. When asked about her childhood, she says that she was very meek during her childhood, but her sister, Kajal was very brave! “My sister used to bash up the boys
in school in they tease me” she revealed!