the film which was having a spectacular run at the
box office seems to have run into a spate of trouble lately. The
film starring the young
pair of Dhanush and Genelia seems to have enraged the residents of Coimbatore.
A number of protests have been staged against showing the film which the
groups claim include a few scenes that are objectionable to them. The protesters belong to a particular
caste based group and are not happy with some of the scenes which project them in a bad light. They were speaking on behalf of a particular community which
claims to have been at the receiving end in ‘Uthamaputhiran’.
The director, Mithran R Jawahar when contacted by the media admitted that the particular community had received a mention in his film. The film is a complete entertainer suitable for the entire family and as such does not cast aspersions on any caste or creed belonging to the nation, was his explanation. They are absolutely no scenes included in the entire film that can be called as objectionable or hurtful in any way whatsoever, he concluded. The director also stated that the producer of ‘Uthamaputhiran’ is in Coimbatore at the moment trying to sort out the problem.