Actor Jeeva has been blessed with a baby boy today, October 14. The cheerful actor was by the side of his loving wife Supriya when the stork delivered the news. Jeeva and his family are celebrating sharing the joy. Jeeva married his long time girlfriend Supriya in 2007.
IndiaGlitz congratulates Jeeva and Supriya for the new arrival and wishes them all the very best.
Meanwhile Jeeva's professional career is also on the fast track. His first dual role film ‘Singam Puli’ which has been getting rave reviews has entered its post-production stage. Another big film ‘Ko’ is shooting all over the world and nearing completion.
The biggest thing Jeeva realized this year was the Shankar film. Jeeva plays the role of Madhavan in the Tamil remake of ‘3 Idiots’ to be directed by Shankar.
It’s all going very well for Jeeva. Congratulations again!