Ilayathalapathy Vijay is currently busy shooting for Kaavalan and the latest update is that the shooting of the final schedule  is going on at Kerala,  and the shooting is all set to be wrapped up in the 2nd week of October, after which Vijay would resume his shoot for Velayudham.

The shooting for the movie is going day and night and is progressing at a rapid speed. The movie is slated to be a Decemeber release and the music would be launched during November.Vijay is working very hard for every scene and is shooting continuously, because of which, he often sleeps at the shooting spot itself, thats inside his own caravan and is working hard to ensure that the film comes out very well. Amidst his tight shooting schedule, Vijay also meets his fans from Kerala and interacts with them and Vijay also had a photo session with his Keralite fans where in hundreds of fans who came to watch the shooting of Kaavalan, took photo with Vijay and rejoiced their day.

In the while, Director Shankar has also finalised the cast of tamil remake of 3 idiots, wherein Siddharth and Jeeva would be the other two lead actors along with Vijay. Vijay has given bulk dates for Shankar and also wants to ensure that, he finishes both Kaavalan and Velayudham before he joins the crew of 3-Idiots.

Keep watching the space for more updates