Bipasha Basu is single: Prankster

The male contacts in Bipasha Basu’s cell phone got a message from her phone saying that she was very much single yet. Well we do not know how much they were delighted. But Bipasha was certainly not happy with these developments. Now you may thing what is the reason for her to get disappointed when the message was sent from her own cell phone?
As a matter of fact, this was a prank played on Bipasha by someone unknown. Apparently, Bips had lost her cell phone for as long as 24 hours. In these 24 hours, all these ‘unwarranted’ developments took place. She came to know about this only after she got her phone back.
What else could Bips do but to manage the damage already done? She personally contacted almost all those to whom the message was sent and clarified things. She even took the help of her friends to think a way out of this. Bips had apparently lost her phone on the sets while shooting.