Marriage Conundrums

That, could be termed as one of the most feared relationship conundrums. Living together and leaving? This is really a tough question to answer. There could be answers for many conundrums here in terms of a 'relationship', but this one is a sort of question which is rather tough and it seems like I am running out of ideas as to what I would have done had I found myself in such a situation. This would be like standing at crossroads and not knowing where to go inspite of having so many options at disposal. Before being married? Yes, you can say that you would not like to marry a certain guy or a girl. But after marriage you have to get along with your lifemate. It is really an issue as to what you would do at such a stage? Trying to change your hubby or wife? Well, it is difficult to change our own self, how can one expect to see a change in other person? Had changes been so easy and had I been lady of some man or a husband of a certain woman, I would have first of all changed myself so that I would never ever face such a situation again where I would have to make a choice between living or leaving my man or wife. I find it really hard to say that 'leave him' or 'leave her' is one of the options.